DNV approved certificate of completion issued upon successful program completion

ABS approved certificate of completion issued upon successful program completion

USCG approved certificate of completion issued upon successful program completion

Affordable and convenient with volume license discounts for corporate customers

Interactive online program proctored by industry experts

Flexible course enrollment

Personalized Curriculum

Based on the pre-assessment, a personalized curriculum path is determined and mapped out for the individual.


Students take a pre-assessment exam to identify individual strengths and weaknesses.

Personalized Progress Report

Each student receives a progress report prior to the instructor-led review dialogs. This report will allow the student to focus on strengthening any remaining areas of concern during the last few weeks of the program.

In-class Workshops

Students will attend in-class review and problem-solving workshops (16-week or 24-week options)

Periodic Formative Updates

Our instructors will monitor each student’s individual progress and periodically provide formative assessments.

Personally Planned Curriculum

Based on this assessment a student will follow their personally designed curriculum on the course learning portal.


A student takes a pre-assessment exam to determine individual strengths and weaknesses.